Monday, July 27, 2009

more pictures

I took these from outside-because the house was locked, so that is why they are fuzzy-but you get the idea...

Getting closer

We are finally on the finishing touches. Our realtor called us and told us it should be finished in a few weeks. We have a home inspection scheduled for August 14th. We still need our fence, as you can see fence posts are up-and I managed to get a pic of my favorite guy in there! The house is almost ready!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


New Updates

These are the newest pictures from the house. As you can see, we have grass, our cabinets, granite, doors, wood floors, and our address block... We still need a few more things!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New cabinets, and tile

Today I drove by the house. The sprinkler system is finished-or I think- the yard has been smoothed out and the sprinkler system is buried now. There are still no doorlocks, no front window(kinda thinking, the cabinets are in there, you may wanna secure the place...), no painted front door, and no painted garage door. The back covered porch still needs to be finished. I did notice the stone that has our house address on it has been delivered and the doorbell has been installed. That is what I noticed from the outside. From the inside, much progress!!! We now have a fireplace, tile in all the wet areas, a garden tub, a shower stall, a guest tub, bathroom cabinets, and knobs. Kitchen cabinets and knobs, WOW! It is all starting to come together!!! I took some more pictures of the guest bathroom, but they turned out kinda dark, because I had no light. We picked out granite at OHM in Madison-our granite is Santa Ceceila-I cannot wait for that!!!