Monday, June 29, 2009

Today I went inside the house to check on things...

Today, I went inside the house to see how things were coming along. My husband told me he had driven by the day before and it appeared they had painted the house. They did indeed. Sienna Sand has been painted!!! We are still missing the front window, and our flooring, and cabinets and things like that. The interior doors have been painted white, and look likt they are ready to go. The granite counter tops have not been put in yet-we are going to pick the granite slab out next Monday.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Driveway, and missing front window... Hmmm

Not really sure what is going on with our front window, my husband saw a note on the window 2 weeks ago that read "wrong size window, needs to be replaced." So, after that, the window came out-that was 2 weeks ago. We wonder what size window it is going to be replaced with, and when it is going to be replaced. Anyway, the next new thing we have noticed is the driveway and sidewalk has been poured. This was done today. The builders are working inside on sheet rock right now. We have already picked out cabinets, appliances, paint, shower door, bathroom fixtures, lighting, shelving for out closets, and things like that. The last thing that we need to pick out is the granite for the counter tops in the bathroom. I think we are going to do that sometime next week. Anyway, hopefully, I can get inside and take pictures. I have been inside the house one time, but it was cloudy that day, and I didn't have good lighting.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Front door

It hasn't been painted, it is supposed to be painted a dark brown color...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The bricks are finished

Here are some pictures from today. The bricks are finished, and sheetrock has begun. I will try and get sheetrock pictures later this week.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bricks, Bricks, Bricks

You may have noticed the huge stacks of bricks in the previous pictures... Well, they got started laying the brick a few days ago as well. I went yesterday and walked around to the back of the house to see the french french doors in real life (not on a plan). I am amazed at the progress that has been done. The bricks we are using are called Blacksburg from Boral. The builders are supposed to begin the sheet rock this weekend, they called us and asked us if we wanted standard or rounded sheet rock. They told us the rounded used to be an upgrade, but it wasn't now-so of course we got rounded sheet rock. We'll see what that looks like later this week when I take pictures from inside the house. Anyway for now, I have pics of 3 of the 4 sides of the house. The reason the 4th side wasn't taken, was because there was too much stuff in the way for me to trip over trying to get the picture on that side.

New front door

A few days ago I drove by and noticed we had a new doors-the front door hasn't been painted yet...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

new roof, new windows,

We drove by the house today, and we saw the shingles had been put on the roof and the windows had been put in the house. We saw the the brick had been delivered a well, so I am assuming that will come next... It is exciting!!!